Design & Crafts Council Ireland
Project scope
Catalogue design
Exhibition display
Print/Online promotions
What colour is Metal? is an exhibition of innovative master-metalsmiths from across 10 countries, exploring the intriguing relationship between metal and colour in contemporary silversmithing and jewellery. It examines approaches ranging from colour achieved using the inherent properties of metal to react with other chemicals or heat (or a combination); the reveal of colour as a property of the metal itself.
The curation, exhibition and catalogue were over a year in the planning. Twenty four makers both national and international were featured in the exhibition and we wanted to ensure that the catalogue allowed all the rich nuance of each piece to take centre stage. We met with both curators (Sara Roberts and Cóilín O’Dubhghail) where we discussed what we liked and didn’t like; what felt ‘right’ in terms of scale and presence, and what form the catalogue might take to best represent this varied and exciting body of work.
Producing the book was initially a gently slow-burning process which gained momentum and acceleration once final dates for the exhibition had been agreed with the gallery spaces in Kilkenny and Dublin Castle. From loose discussions and sample layouts early on in the design process, and the development of the graphic identity, we discussed typefaces, colour and layout approaches, materials, binding and special finishes.
Clean typography and layout makes the publication easy to navigate and legibility was optimised through the choice and size of font.

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